NewsAutoTraderPro Software for News Trading

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One of the most interesting trading strategies involves trading the fundamental economic news. As the name suggests, this involves little more than taking advantage of the price effect that various economic news events can have on market prices. Doing it successfully, though, is a bit more complicated. To play this game well, you need to be fast – really fast. Faster than other traders, in fact. To be faster than other traders, you need to have the right trading program.


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Product ID: 4219 SKU: 3 Categories: , ,


One of the most interesting trading strategies involves trading the fundamental economic news. As the name suggests, this involves little more than taking advantage of the price effect that various economic news events can have on market prices. Doing it successfully, though, is a bit more complicated. To play this game well, you need to be fast – really fast. Faster than other traders, in fact. To be faster than other traders, you need to have the right trading program.


Fig.1 . NewsAutoTraderPro Interface: 1 – Sessions grid; 2 –News providers ; 3 – News indicators filters block ; 4- List of economic indicators; 5- List of news triggers 6 – Orders panel.

Our NewsAtoTraderPro is just the program for you. It relies on 3 highly advanced algorithms that empower traders by letting them dive into the market several milliseconds before significant news is released. This is done by giving the trader access to several news providers at once. When there is important news, the providers transmit signals. The program picks up the signal transmitted by the fastest provider, omitting the other signals, and opens orders, letting you capitalize on any price change produced by the news.

In short, the program does two things: it picks up news signals and opens orders based on them.

This is a highly innovative tool for any growth-oriented trader looking to trade the news. The program can open orders in virtually all the standard trading environments (jForex cTrader, and FIX API). The program does not confine traders to a single account, either; it is possible to work with two accounts. This comes in handy when the trader is using two accounts to hedge positions. Finally, with this program, it is possible to make slippage work for the trader.

NewsAutoTraderPro in Operation


Purchasing our program will give you two licenses that will let you work both with servers based in the US and those in the UK. Additionally, bearing in mind that information is everything on the forex market, you will be able to further unlock value by receiving professional recommendations and advice distributed through a private network on a weekly basis.

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